Page produced 26 Oct 05, last modified 5 Nov 06
Saturday, 18th March. Southampton Small & River HORR.
*Sunday, 2nd April. Head of the Stour, Christchurch. *(Possibly Saturday, 1st April).
Saturday, 29th April. Southampton Coastal Fours HORR.
Saturday, 13th May RYDE REGATTA.[results]
Sunday, 14th May SHANKLIN REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 27th May. SOUTHAMPTON TOWN REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 3rd June. ITCHEN IMPERIAL REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 10th June. POOLE REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 17th June. WOOLSTON REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 24th June. NEWPORT REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 8th July. SOUTHSEA REGATTA. [results]
(Friday, 14th to Sunday, 16th July National Championships, Strathclyde).
Saturday, 15th July. MILFORD (LYMINGTON) REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 29th July. SWANAGE REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 5th August. BOURNEMOUTH REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 12th August CHRISTCHURCH REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 19th August COALPORTERS REGATTA. [results]
Saturday, 26th August. BTC REGATTA
[ photos from
Sunday, 27th August. Hants & Dorset Championship and South Coast Selection row-offs if required. Dockhead, Southampton. 11.00am.
Saturday, 16th September. South Coast Championships, Dartmouth, Devon.
Saturday, 25th March - HORR.
Sunday, 2nd April - University Boat Race.
Wednesday, 28th June to Sunday 2nd July. Henley Royal Regatta.
Sunday, 20th August to Sunday, 27th August, World Rowing Championships,
Saturday, 18th November - Fours Head.
TBA. Wessex Junior Regatta at Bryanston - possibly Sunday, 11th June?
Steve Bull,
Association Secretary.
27th October, 2005.
H&DARA website now available (also
at this alternative url)
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